On 9th October 2020, PTSC’s project management in combination with POS, PTSC Quang Ngai and PTSC Thanh Hoa held a ceremony to celebrate PTSC’s 1,000,000 safe Manhours without LTI at Long Son Petrochemical Project, A1 Package – Olefins plant. In the exciting atmosphere of the ceremony, all employees, TPSK Contractor and LSP investor were delighted and proud to achieve this remarkable milestone. During 281 continuous construction days, PTSC has encountered many difficulties and challenges in implementing construction works in parallel with complying with the requirement of social distancing for preventation of the spread of Covid-19. However, PTSC and its subsidiaries, subcontractors have incessantly implemented safety plans to accomplish 1,000,000 safe Man hours since the commencement date on 15th December 2019.
Locating in Long Son commune, Vung Tau City, the SCG Group (Thailand) – invested Long Son Petrochemical Complex is a prominent project of Vietnam. PTSC directly signed a subcontract with TPSK to execute the construction of A1 Package – Olefins Plant. PTSC’s scope of work includes piling, civil, equipment installation, pipeline installation, steel structure installation, precast-concrete piperack installation (SMP), insulation, common scaffolding and EPC Tanks. Up to this date, PTSC has reached 25% of the total project progress.
At the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Duc Thien – Project Manager of PTSC appreciated the considerable exertions and contributions of PTSC’s subsidiaries and subcontractors participating in this project so that PTSC was able to meet all objectives in terms of safety, quality and progress of the project up to this date.
On behalf of TPSK Contractor, Mr Jens Kim – Construction Site Manager also praised PTSC’s achievements and highly appreciated PTSC’s professional project management. Additionally, he affirmed his confidence that PTSC would continue to achieve the next safety milestones for further construction phase at the Project.
On behalf of PTSC, Mr Nguyen Tran Toan, Project Director, PTSC Vice President expressed PTSC’s sincere gratitude to LSP and TPSK for their significant confidence and support throughout the implementation of the Project. Simultaneously, PTSC committed to make efforts in order to implement the project on time while ensuring safety, quality and efficiency.
Being outstanding in core technical services provider of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group with continual creativity in management over the past years, PTSC always affirms its capacity, position in providing a full range of services including engineering, procurement, construction for a numbers of prominent oil and gas projects, especially onshore industrial projects and plants. By continuous innovations in project management and execution, PTSC has played an essential role in the successful implementation of objectives, missions and plans, promoting the stable and sustainable development of PTSC in particular and Vietnam Oil and Gas Group in general.

TPSK awarded the medal of 1,000,000 Safe Man hours to PTSC

Managers of LSP, TPSK and PTSC pulled the ribbon to congratulate 1,000,000 Safe Man hours without LTI.

Mr Nguyen Duc Thien – Project Manager delivered the opening speech at the Ceremony